Hi all of you,
1)Ok, this works properly:
ISNULL([Column 13]) ? NULL(DT_WSTR,1) : RIGHT([Column 13],2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([Column 13],5,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([Column 13],1,4)
for (old dts2000 column transformation)
Fecha=right(DTSSource("Col014"),2) & "-" & Mid(DTSSource("Col014"),5,2) & "-" & left(DTSSource("Col014"),4)
If IsNull(Fecha) then
DTSDestination("FechaAp") = Fecha
End If
2). But how must I do such thing for IsDate when you have not available that function?
Fecha=right(DTSSource("Col014"),2) & "-" & Mid(DTSSource("Col014"),5,2) & "-" & left(DTSSource("Col014"),4)
If IsDate(Fecha) then
DTSDestination("FechaAp") = Fecha
End If
Thanks a lot,
I think you'll need to use a script component to do this check. You can use the DateTime.TryParse method.
|||Thanks for that. It'll be tested.
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