Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Loops to create a page!


Right, I have this problem, and it;s more through lack of understanding that well more then an actual problem I will out line what I want to do,
basically it all revolves around a page that needs to be built when navigated to so it can be easily updated without anyone having to edit the code.

Get all the table names from a database
Loop through each of the results to build a statement
Nest a 2nd loop to split the returned data from the correct table
Build a listbox for each table returned

This is what I have currently, this works but the problem is, if another course is added, someone will need to manually edit the code on the page to add a new
code to get the new course hence why I want to create a loop that gets all the data so all someone needs to do is put in the all table the new course name. Please note
I cut this down to just show 2 result but there is about 30 odd.

1DBConn =New SqlConnection("Server=SD02;Initial Catalog=WhoGetsWhat;Persist Security Info=True;UID=x;Password=xx")2'Dim DBDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter3 DBDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapter("Select AOE,ADC, FROM TBL_Role WHERE Title = @.ddlTitle", DBConn)4 DBDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@.ddlTitle", SqlDbType.NVarChar)5 DBDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters("@.ddlTitle").Value = TitleDropDown.SelectedValue6 DBDataAdapter.Fill(DSPageData,"Courses")78'Loop through each record, split at + and place in ListBoxs910 VarDS = DSPageData.Tables("Courses").Rows(0).Item("AOE")11Dim VarArrayAs String() = VarDS.Split("+")12Dim iAs Integer13 For i = 0To VarArray.Length - 11415Dim liAs New ListItem()16 li.Text = VarArray(i).ToString()17 li.Value = VarArray(i).ToString()18Me.txtAOE.Items.Add(li)19Next i2021 VarDS = DSPageData.Tables("Courses").Rows(0).Item("ADC")22 VarArray =Nothing23 VarArray = VarDS.Split("+")24 i =Nothing25 For i = 0To VarArray.Length - 12627Dim liAs New ListItem()28 li.Text = VarArray(i).ToString()29 li.Value = VarArray(i).ToString()30Me.txtADC.Items.Add(li)31Next i
Now here is my pseudo code to what I roughly want to do, hope it makes sense to someone and someone can point me in the correct direction. Please note,
I know the split bit works, so at the minute I am just trying to get the loop to get all my courses

1DBConn =New SqlConnection("Server=SD02;Initial Catalog=WhoGetsWhat;Persist Security Info=True;UID=wgw;PWD=wgwsql;")2 DBSelect.Connection = DBConn3 DBSelect.Connection.Open()4'Get the row number in the database5 DBSelect.CommandText ="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TBL_All"6 DBResult = DBSelect.ExecuteScalar()7 DBSelect.Connection.Close()8Dim Count = DBResult9'Get all the Tables and Keys in the Database's10 DBDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TBL_All", DBConn)11 DBDataAdapter.Fill(DSPageData,"All")12'declare all loop vars13Dim XAs Integer14 Dim YAs Integer15 Dim iAs Integer16'Loops through all the tables17Dim DSArrayAs String() = DSPageData.Tables("All").Items()18For Y = 0To Count19Dim VarDSAs String() = DSPageData.Tables("All").Rows(0).Item(DSArray(Y))20Dim SplitArrayAs String() = VarDS.Split("+")212223For i = 0To SplitArray.Length - 124Dim LiAs New ListItem()25 Li.Text = SplitArray(i).ToString()26 Li.Value = SplitArray(i).ToString()27Me.txt & DSArray(Y) &.Items.Add(Li)28Next i2930Next Y

I have just realised, in each loop for each course I will need to add the select statement so I think I need to add

DBDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT " & Dr & "FROM TBL_" & DSArray(Y), DBConn)
DBDataAdapter.Fill(DSPageData, "Courses")

Into it


ok think I am making some head way and I think I have logically what I want.

For every row of column TName in TBL_ALL, assign to var Dim TName
For every row of column PKey in TBL_ALL, assign to var Dim Pkey
For every row create statement "SELECT '" & Pkey & "' FROM '" & TName " "'")

Once I have made the loop that creates all of them select statements, I can run a loop to execute them,
and then a loop to assign the values to listboxes, but first step at a time.

Here is what I have so far, it doesn't work and I know its not right, but maybe someone can see where I am comming from
point my in a better direction. Please also note, the response.write bits are to check when my code i have working is working
but they are not needed


1DBConn =New SqlConnection("Server=SD02;Initial Catalog=WhoGetsWhat;Persist Security Info=True;UID=x;PWD=xx;")2 DBSelect.Connection = DBConn3 DBSelect.Connection.Open()4'Get the row number in the database5 DBSelect.CommandText ="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TBL_All"6 DBResult = DBSelect.ExecuteScalar()7 DBSelect.Connection.Close()8Dim Count = DBResult9'Get all the Tables and Keys in the Database's10 DBDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TName FROM TBL_All", DBConn)11 DBDataAdapter.Fill(DSPageData,"TName")12 DBDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT PKey FROM TBL_All", DBConn)13 DBDataAdapter.Fill(DSPageData,"PKey")14'declare all loop vars1516Dim DrAs DataRow17Dim DcAs DataColumn18'Loops through all the tables1920 'For Each Dr In DSPageData.Tables("All").Rows21 'For Each Dc In DSPageData.Tables("All").Columns22 'Dim Column As DataColumnCollection = DSPageData.Tables("All").Columns23 'Dim Table As String = (Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString))24 'Response.Write(Table)25 'DBConn = New SqlConnection("Server=SD02;Initial Catalog=WhoGetsWhat;UID=wgw;PWD=wgwsql")26 'DBSelect.Connection = DBConn27 'DBSelect.Connection.Open()28 'DBSelect.CommandText = "SELECT '" & Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString) & "' FROM ('" & Table & "')"29 'DBSelect.ExecuteNonQuery()30 'Next Dc31 'Next Dr3233Dim Search()As SqlDataAdapter34Dim PKeyAs String35 Dim TNameAs String36 Dim ResultAs String()37For Each DrIn DSPageData.Tables("TName").Rows38For Each DcIn DSPageData.Tables("TName").Columns39'For i = 0 To Count40 PKey = (Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString))41 Response.Write(PKey)42 TName = (Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString))43 Response.Write(TName)44'DBSelect.CommandText = "SELECT '" & PKey & "' FROM '" & TName & "'"45 'DBResult = DBSelect.ExecuteNonQuery46 'Result(i) = DBResult47 'Next48Next49 Next50 For Each DrIn DSPageData.Tables("PKey").Rows51For Each DcIn DSPageData.Tables("PKey").Columns52'For i = 0 To Count53 PKey = (Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString))54 Response.Write(PKey)55 TName = (Dr(Dc.ColumnName.ToString))56 Response.Write(TName)57'DBSelect.CommandText = "SELECT '" & PKey & "' FROM '" & TName & "'"58 'DBResult = DBSelect.ExecuteNonQuery59 'Result(i) = DBResult60 'Next61Next62 Next63 End Sub

maybe I am totally confusing everyone lol? I am so lost :(

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