Saturday, February 25, 2012

Looking for some examples link server, excel file

I have excel file and need to create a link server so I can read excel file
from sql2k.
Server where file is residing is SERVER1
Excel file name is ABC
User name is XYZ
password is PASSWORD
and the column that I want to retreive is Price.
I would appreciate if someone please show me an example for Link server
Thanks wrote:
> I have excel file and need to create a link server so I can read excel file
> from sql2k.
> Server where file is residing is SERVER1
> Excel file name is ABC
> User name is XYZ
> password is PASSWORD
> and the column that I want to retreive is Price.
> I would appreciate if someone please show me an example for Link server
> Thanks
Try to look up "sp_addlinkedserver" in Books On Line. Here you have the
syntax for adding an Excel file as a linked server.

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