looking for script to backup Transaction log and delete any thing older than
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Posted to .tools
Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
Westwood Consulting, Inc
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"Omran Abdurrahman" <omranab@.comcast.net> wrote in message
> looking for script to backup Transaction log and delete any thing older
> than 24 hours
>|||Omran Abdurrahman wrote:
> looking for script to backup Transaction log and delete any thing older than
> 24 hours
Start here:
Tracy McKibben
If you are using SQL 2005, look at the new XP_Delete_File stored
procedure. Otherwise, Tracy is on the right track. You can store your
backups in a table and run cmd queries with xp_cmdshell to delete files
older than your threshold. This does not need to be a persisted table.
You can also use the dir command to populate a temp table, and delete
based off that.
Delete bak files over 46 hours old
Declare @.deletedate nvarchar(255). @.Path nvarchar(200)
set @.Path = '\\fileserver\db_backup\'
set @.deletedate = cast(dateadd(hh,-46,getdate()) as varchar(255))
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,@.Path,N'bak',@.deletedate
Personally I would disregard the comments from Arnie Rowland. It is too
bad he does not offer constructive comments.
Tracy McKibben wrote:
> Omran Abdurrahman wrote:
> > looking for script to backup Transaction log and delete any thing older than
> > 24 hours
> >
> >
> Start here:
> http://realsqlguy.com/serendipity/archives/11-Send-In-Backup!.html
> --
> Tracy McKibben
> http://www.realsqlguy.com
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