Hello and thanks for reading,
I would like to know if it's possible to add around 4000 users into the ASPNETDB without adding them one at a time. I have to avoid using a "create user wizard" because this login is for a private online election only. The list of users is in an access database and looks like this:
Username Password
DHunziker Hu8645
SEnderton En0854
BAckler Ac9576
Unfortunately, I don't have valid emails for all 4000 people, nor do I have the time and resources to collect security questions and answers so I don't know if this is even possible. Can you help me?
Peter Kellner (http://peterkellner.net/zdm_1_2/index.php) provides a nice membership management tool for this database and you can download from his site.
You can use his objectdatasource to do the batch insert. Here is a sample from a button click:
Create a SpreadSheet with these columns: UserName,password, and email.
Import this excel file to this database as table: yourUsers$
Here is the code for the button click:
protected void batchInsertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["1ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;string strSQL ="SELECT * FROM yourUsers$"; SqlConnection myConnection =new SqlConnection(strConn); myConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand =new SqlCommand(strSQL,myConnection); SqlDataReader myReader; myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();while (myReader.Read()) { ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["UserName"].DefaultValue = myReader["UserName"].ToString();//TextBoxUserName.Text; ; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["password"].DefaultValue = myReader["password"].ToString();//TextBoxPassword.Text; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["passwordQuestion"].DefaultValue ="your qestion";//TextBoxPasswordQuestion.Text; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["passwordAnswer"].DefaultValue ="your answer";//TextBoxPasswordAnswer.Text; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["email"].DefaultValue = myReader["email"].ToString();//TextBoxEmail.Text; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.InsertParameters["isApproved"].DefaultValue ="true";//CheckboxApproval.Checked == true ? "true" : "false"; ObjectDataSourceMembershipUser.Insert();//hard code this user role Roles.AddUserToRole(myReader["UserName"].ToString(),"NormalUser"); } myConnection.Close(); GridViewMemberUser.DataBind(); GridViewRole.DataBind(); }
Hope this helps.
Wow! Thanks!
I have already got peter's managment tool running and the information that you provided is very helpful. Thanks a million!
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